
Accreditation simplified

PowerDMS is a policy and compliance management platform. We help healthcare organizations achieve and maintain DNV accreditation by equipping you to:

  • Simplify document control
  • Meet ISO 9001 requirements
  • Map policies and proofs of compliance to DNV NIAHO standards and ISO 9001 standards
  • Reduce DNV survey prep time by 60%

Simplify document control with powerful features


Access Control

Control who can access information in your PowerDMS site. Assign view only, audit, and edit rights to users/groups.

Version Control

When a policy is updated, the previous version is automatically archived, so only the most current is available to employees.

Keyword Search

Full-text search, an intuitive folder structure, tagging, and bookmarks make it easy for employees to browse and find policies.

Mobile App

Deliver policies straight to your staff’s smartphones. Admins can handle essential management tasks while on the go.


Signature Tracking

By capturing and tracking E-signatures, you hold employees accountable to important documents and gain visibility into who’s signed what.

Compare Changes

Easily review and approve changes to critical documents with side-by-side, color-coded highlighting of everything that has been added, deleted, or revised.

Easy Upload

Simply drag and drop policies and procedures to upload. The document name defaults to the file name to save time and effort with the initial document load.

Editing Tools

Use the editing tools you are already familiar with. PowerDMS integrates with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as OneDrive and Google Drive.


Workflow Tools

Route documents for collaboration, review, or approval. Establish consistent processes for each department with workflow templates.

Periodic Reviews

Schedule recurring policy reviews and receive automatic email reminders of those review dates, so none of your documentation falls through the cracks.


See outstanding items like missing signatures, incomplete DNV survey tasks, or stalled workflows. Present high-level dashboards to executives or drill down into key reports.

Standards Mapping

We publish DNV NAIHO and ISO 9001 standards manuals. Map your documents to specific standards to understand how they impact your compliance.

Meet DNV & ISO 9001 standards

PowerDMS checks all the boxes

PowerDMS is an "off the shelf" solution to meeting ISO 9001 document control requirements. With PowerDMS, continuous improvement and DNV hospital accreditation can be achieved with limited staffing resources.

  • Approve documents for adequacy prior to issue
  • Review, update as necessary, and re-approve documents
  • Identify the changes and current document revision status
  • Make relevant documents available at points of use
  • Ensure the documents remain legible and readily identifiable
  • Identify external documents and control their distribution
  • Prevent obsolete documents from unintended use
  • Apply suitable identification if obsolete documents are retained

Achieve every day DNV survey readiness

It’s easy to map your documentation to DNV standards

Link your policies and proofs of compliance to both the ISO 9001 and DNV NIAHO accreditation standards. This has shown to significantly reduce DNV survey preparation. If the standards or policy changes, easily compare changes with our side-by-side comparison tool.

DNV survey prep can be easier

Choose the easy-to-implement solution that doesn't require IT resources

PowerDMS is built for regulatory compliance professionals seeking excellence in quality management. Complete the form to request a demo, and discover how easy it is to implement PowerDMS within your facility in 90 days or less.